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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx TRAILCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Investments for the Future programme
Investments for the Future programmeLabEx TRAILBoard of Trusteesjeudi 12 avril 2018 par KATZ Hélène. Dernière mise à jour jeudi 15 novembre 2018
IdEx Talents 2019 - Career opportunities in BordeauxLabEx TRAIL

Several recruitment opportunities are currently or will soon be promoted within the framework “Initiative of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux” (IdEx University of Bordeaux), granted by the French national program Investing for the future : Post-doctoral fellowship program, Junior Chairs and Visiting Scholars.

Latest newsvendredi 26 octobre 2018 par KATZ Hélène.
New TRAIL publication - SCICOG&REACTIV project (WP5)LabEx TRAIL

Koubiyr I, Deloire M, Coupé P, Dulau C, Besson P, Moroso A, Planche V, Tourdias T, Brochet B and Ruet A (2018) Differential Gray Matter Vulnerability in the 1 Year Following a Clinically Isolated Syndrome . Frontiers in Neurology 9:824. Read here

Latest newsvendredi 26 octobre 2018 par KATZ Hélène.
New TRAIL publication - BIGDATABRAIN project (WP6)LabEx TRAIL

Hett K, Ta V-T, Manjon J, Coupé P, Adaptative fusion of texture-based grading for Alzheimer's disease classification . Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier, In Press Read here

Latest newsvendredi 26 octobre 2018 par KATZ Hélène.
New TRAIL publication - HRDTI project (WP2)LabEx TRAIL

Manjon J, Coupé P, Raniga P, Xia Y, Desmond P, et al.. MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting . Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier, In Press Read here

Latest newsvendredi 26 octobre 2018 par KATZ Hélène.
MRI training Bordeaux by the CRMSB - upcoming sessionsLabEx TRAILdu lundi 12 novembre 2018 au vendredi 16 novembre 2018

The Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques (UMR5536 and TRAIL CorePartner) offers training sessions into the Physics Basics of MRI over the course of 5 days (1 session in June and 1 session in November). There is still one spot left for the November 2018 session (November 12 th -16 th , 2018). Registration to the two sessions of next year (June 3 rd -6 th , 2019 and November 4 th -11 th , 2019) are open as well.

Latest newsjeudi 25 octobre 2018 par KATZ Hélène.